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Small Garden Ideas | Sustainable Living | Up On The Rooftop
Root Pouch Grow Bag Size Guide
Wondering what size Root Pouch bag to suit your growing needs?Whether it's ornamentals or food we have the size that will be perfect for your garden!
Top Tips for Mulching
Discover the true benefits of mulch! Learn how mulch enhances your garden's health and appearance. Mulch has long been an essential element for healthy soil growth. It plays a large...
Terracotta Watering Spikes v. Plastic Drippers
What is the difference between Terracotta Watering Spikes and plastic dripper spikes? Want to water your plants without having to think about it? Go on short breaks and know that...
7 Winter Gardening Tips
Winter is often considered to be a quiet time in the garden where the riotous colours of spring and summer give way to brown and deep shadows. But green veggies...
Grow Garlic in Grow Bags and Containers
If you are looking for an easy and effective way to grow garlic, Root Pouch grow bags are a great option because garlic does not like wet feet and the...
How To Clean Your Root Pouch Grow Bags
The Root Pouch grow bags are easy to wash and air dry with no effect upon their perfornace. They last for season upon season.
How to clean your Waterpot Ollas
Your Waterpot Olla will last for years, with a little attention. During times when the container or garden bed are being renewed it is an easy and simple task to clean...
Grow Big in Small Spaces
Some simple words of truth about maximising your space in a small space garden situation. Sharing the love of small space growing with the clients of APIA Australia recently talking about...