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Small Garden Ideas | Sustainable Living | Up On The Rooftop

Small Space Composting
There are lots of good reasons to make compost. Save money, save resources, improve your soil and reduce your impact on the environment. Regardless of your reasons, composting is a...

The Science of Ollas
Discover how Ollas rely on the simplicity of natural forces to function, which makes them both simple and ideal for urban gardens.

Make Potting Mix@Home Guide Shopping List
DIY POTTING MIX INGREDIENTS This shoping list is an adjunct to our Make Potting Mix At Home Guide, designed by our friend Anne, The Microgardener. Need to source supplies to...

Top Tips for Mulching
Discover the true benefits of mulch! Learn how mulch enhances your garden's health and appearance. Mulch has long been an essential element for healthy soil growth. It plays a large...

My Top Tips for Holiday Garden Preparation
Do you want to enjoy your holiday away from your precious pots and not worry about how your garden is doing while you're away? A little preparation ahead of departure day will give...

How To Treat Powdery Mildew In Your Small Space Garden
What do I use on the Balcony to control the dreaded white scourge of powdery Mildew? Summer wouldn't be the same without powdery mildew in the garden! I've sifted through all...

The Joy of Growing a Garden
Growing a garden in a small space is one of life's greatest privileges. Whether it is large or small, on land or a container garden, producing food or something pleasing...

Pickled Balcony Cucumbers Recipe
Pickles are quick and easy to prepare and are a favourite traditional food. Fermented foods aid gut health and it's so easy to do! This is the recipe I use for...