Everyone Plant One Campaign - NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment initiative

Everyone Plant One

Up here on the Rooftop Balcony I'm supporting the Everyone Plant One Campaign (NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment initiative) to green up our city of Sydney and state of New South Wales. No matter where you live, if you have room for a pot, you have room for a tree!

A percentage of our webstore sales goes towards the planting of trees in Australia and this is just another way we can contribute to making a positive impact for the environment and gift the Planet something for the future. 

Trees have all kinds of benefits for communities and the people who live in them. You’re planting shade and treehouses for your grandchildren, cool places for picnics, privacy for yards, and homes for wildlife. Planting trees helps fight climate change, grows fresh fruit, improves mental health, and creates beautiful environments for everyone to live and learn.

So, join the Everyone Plant One campaign, and plant one tree whether it's in your backyard or on your balcony.

Because, when everyone plants one, it’s better for everyone.

Go out and get your hands dirty and have some family fun planting and learning about all the amazing things trees can do for your home and your community.

If everyone plants one, together we will create more tree canopy, cooler suburbs and reach the NSW Government's goal of one million trees by 2022.

Will you join in and plant one to make the place you live even greater?

Here's the link for some comprehensive information on how you can be involved (don't let the fact that you're ot in Sydney/NSW stop you! Plant a tree for the same reasons, no matter where you are!)


Don't forget to register your tree(s) so that they are counted towards the goal of 1 million tress by 2022!
